The Land of Lorim
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My Land
The land from which I came is called by most sentient folk Lorim. I live on the in a territory of that great land that is called Lamese. Lamese is governed by a leprachaun named Fredenroth. I am a goblin hunter. I hunt goblins for a living. Every weekend I ride out to the mountains on my horse, Canthor, and hunt down the wrethched goblins. I get paid ten gold peices for every goblin head that I bring back to town. I also occasionally hunt down a criminal or outlaw that is loose in the mountains that I live by, the Geromion Mountains. They are the largest mountains in the land of Lorim. They reach from the farthest southern borders and stretch right up into the land that borders the north of Lorim, Ice World. Ice World is the most treacherous land in all of they continent that I live on. No one that has ever entered Ice World has returned. It is full of hideous creatures. The most hideous of them are the ice dragons. They are tall as houses, have talons as long as swords, and have a breath so cold that they could freeze the hottest fires. Lorim is protected from the terrible creatures of Ice World by a magical candle that was planted on the northern border by the eagle king. However, there is an ice dragon named Shiroth that was trapped in Lorim ages ago. Luckily, he rarely comes out of the forest that surrounds his mountains, the Shiroth forest. Lorim got its name from a man that led a tribe of refugees into this land long ago. they were trying to escape from a war that was cosuming their own homeland. In the tribe there were peoples of all races, elves, men, leprachauns, hobbits, dwarves, gnomes, fairies, and many others that are not commonly known to the men of this world.
The Evil of Lorim
In my land there are many evil creatures that roam the lands. The most evil is a dwarf wiard named Rantorse. He is the only dwarf wizard known.
The Location of Lorim
If someone in this world went out looking for Lorim, they most likely wouldn't find it, unless they knew a few passwords. I can not tell the passwords openly so that any evil being may enter this world, but I will tell a little about where some of the passages are located in this world. One passage is located in Ireland, one in Africa, two in Germany, and two in the U.S.A. I usually take one of the U.S. passages. i won't tell which state that it is in. It is on some land right next to the land that I own. I go there when I am feeling homesick for my own land. But, the strange thing is that whenever I go back, I am the same age as when I left, and the time is the same, and when I come back here, the time hasn't changed and I am still the same age as I left. Once I stayed in Lorim for fifty years, but when I came here I was still exactly the same as when I left.
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